dress Marks&Spencer / shoes Converse / sunglasses from Greece
“You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
dress Marks&Spencer / shoes Converse / sunglasses from Greece
“You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
Birthday party at Angielka // dress Zara / balloons Pan Talerzyk
“You don’t get older, you get better.” ~ Shirley Bassey
“I’m feeling pretty good right now, but I hope we can just win the whole thing and I can run off into the sunset and say good-bye.” ~ David Wells
The time has come! I’m seeing alt-J live next year in February! I’m beyond excited!!! alt-J is one of my favourite bands and going to see them and listen to their music is a dream come true. Here is a photo of me holding a ticket… as you can tell I’m all smiley. I’m such a lucky girl ha!
shirt Promod / shorts H&M / sunglasses PNT / shoes Converse
“What do I care about my chitchat from yesterday?” ~ Konrad Adenauer